Saturday, 27 October 2018

We have had a very exciting start to the term with International week last week. The children really enjoyed making flags that represented their country of birth. As part of the celebrations we were very lucky to have a visit from Rita one of our lovely parents. Rita explained about the significance of the Sari and using one of the learners as a model, showed how one is worn.

Rita also used the traditional Henna to create some henna designs on the children's arms:
The children thought this was very special and we would all like to thank Rita very much for sharing some aspects of her culture with us.
At the end of last term to help celebrate book week the children created some amazing book jackets. These are on display in room 3 and we would love you to come and take a look at them.

Just a reminder that all the children need to bring hats to school this term and also togs, as we hope to start swimming now that the weather is improving. Could you please help us by ensuring that all the children's clothing is named.