Friday, 24 November 2017

How great to finally have some lovely weather. We were all able to take advantage of it on Thursday morning when we had our junior school athletics. Everyone had a great time showing their running, jumping and throwing skills. A big thank you to the parents who came and supported us all and a special thanks to the room 14 helpers who did such a wonderful job at not only helping the teachers but encouraging and supporting the younger children. Well done!
The children are continuing to enjoy the swimming sessions with the instructors from the Find Your Field of Dreams programme. Last week the focus was on water safety and how, when and where to use a lifejacket:

We look forward to the next three weeks of swimming.
This week we are focusing on Road Safety and have Constable Amy coming to remind us all about staying safe.

Friday, 10 November 2017

How lucky we were to once again have the chance to have a go at ice skating. The children really loved the experience as you can see from the photos below:

There was some nervousness at first, but everyone got the hang of it quite quickly.

For Maths we have been learning about units of TIME. The children have been enjoying showing hours, half hours and minutes on the analogue clocks during our maths sessions.

During our Mandarin session we were extremely lucky to be shown some Tai Chi moves. We were shown the Tai Chi routine and we then had a go at some of the moves. It was great fun!

This week we started our swimming programme and on Wednesdays and Fridays have three swimming instructors who come and help us with our swimming skills. These instructors are part of the "Find Your Field of Dreams" programme and do a fantastic job. To make the most of this opportunity we expect the children to bring their togs to school every day from now on as this is part of our school P.E. programme.