Monday, 24 October 2016

Welcome back everyone to our final term. It has been great to see the sunshine.
What a wonderful start to the term with the opportunity for all the children to have the opportunity to have a go at ice skating last Friday. A great time was had by all.
Below are some examples of the children's writing about their experience and some accompanying photos:

Lovely Ice Skating
I went to go to ice skating. I wore a pink helmet, warm gloves and scary boots. I heard loud music and I felt happy. It was fun.
By Nevaeh-Lee.

Ice Skating on Plastic
On Friday I went ice skating. We had to wear ice skates and helmets. I was terrified. I was sliding on plastic. The walls were inflatable and extremely bouncy and it was super slippery. I was excited when I got used to it. I heard a lot of thumping. I got hurt when I kept falling down. I was also extremely tired. There was nice music and the ice skating bowl was under the gargantuous canopy. Near the end there were bubbles. I was disappointed when I had to leave.
By Zaidyn.

Ice Skating
When I went to ice skating with my class there was loud music, bubbles and yelling. People were slipping over and it had inflatable sides. Everyone was learning how to skate and your butt got sore when you kept falling over. We were all really wobbly at first then we got the hang of it. Lots of people were scared but I wasn’t. We had to balance, push and glide. We wore hard helmets, cosy gloves and skating boots. It was under the canopy.

By Jaz.
On Friday I went ice skating. I heard clicketty clacks and grating. We had to balance and push off and take little steps on the icy ice. I felt very anxious and excellent at the same time. There were bubbles. I learned to drift and spin. We had to wear boots with slicy blades, grippy gloves and steely hard helmets. There were lots of blade marks. We did all of this awesome stuff under the canopy.
By Mack.