Sunday, 27 November 2016

The end of the year is fast approaching so I would like to share with you all this powerpoint presentation that Whaea Jane put together at the end of term 2. It is a snapshot of some of the activities that room 3 were involved in while Whaea Jane and Miss Muller were here on practicum as part of their Masters of Teaching programme.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Here are some of our hockey experiences that we would like to share with you:

Monday, 21 November 2016

Wow! what a busy few weeks we have had. The children have been loving the hockey sessions with Stuart and have been learning lots of new hockey skills.:
We went to the canopy and played hockey. We learnt how to dribble with the ball and what side to hit the ball with. We played a hockey game where you weren't allowed to touch the cones with the ball.
By Scott.

Today we learnt some hockey skills at school. We learnt how to dribble a hockey ball and how to hold a hockey stick.We had to put a lot of eyesight on the ball, . We tested how fast we could dribble a hockey ball. My favourite was the dribbling.
By Aurin.

Today we went and played hockey. We played under the canopy. It was fun. I want to play hockey again. I liked playing the bomb game. If you hit the cones you had to do five star jumps before the bomb goes off. Boom!
By Nevaeh.

We are now well into our swimming programme and it has  been great to see the improved confidence with the children thanks to the three amazing swimming instructors that have been coming on a Wednesday and Friday. They have been able to get in the pool with the children and provide some great learning sessions.

We have been working hard on our Celebrations topic work and are looking forward to sharing this learning on the blog later in the term.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Welcome back everyone to our final term. It has been great to see the sunshine.
What a wonderful start to the term with the opportunity for all the children to have the opportunity to have a go at ice skating last Friday. A great time was had by all.
Below are some examples of the children's writing about their experience and some accompanying photos:

Lovely Ice Skating
I went to go to ice skating. I wore a pink helmet, warm gloves and scary boots. I heard loud music and I felt happy. It was fun.
By Nevaeh-Lee.

Ice Skating on Plastic
On Friday I went ice skating. We had to wear ice skates and helmets. I was terrified. I was sliding on plastic. The walls were inflatable and extremely bouncy and it was super slippery. I was excited when I got used to it. I heard a lot of thumping. I got hurt when I kept falling down. I was also extremely tired. There was nice music and the ice skating bowl was under the gargantuous canopy. Near the end there were bubbles. I was disappointed when I had to leave.
By Zaidyn.

Ice Skating
When I went to ice skating with my class there was loud music, bubbles and yelling. People were slipping over and it had inflatable sides. Everyone was learning how to skate and your butt got sore when you kept falling over. We were all really wobbly at first then we got the hang of it. Lots of people were scared but I wasn’t. We had to balance, push and glide. We wore hard helmets, cosy gloves and skating boots. It was under the canopy.

By Jaz.
On Friday I went ice skating. I heard clicketty clacks and grating. We had to balance and push off and take little steps on the icy ice. I felt very anxious and excellent at the same time. There were bubbles. I learned to drift and spin. We had to wear boots with slicy blades, grippy gloves and steely hard helmets. There were lots of blade marks. We did all of this awesome stuff under the canopy.
By Mack.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

The Witches by Roald Dahl has been used as a shared reading activity with the students. The story has enthralled the students chapter by chapter. The have listened attentively, responded ecstatically and appropriately throughout. I have loved the experience of reading out loud a children’s novel. The students have been increasingly visualizing and this is affirmed by their excited responses. I am excited by how engaged students are through oral language. They listen, laugh and enjoy our shared reading time.
On Monday we received a peculiar letter all the way from London. It read
Dear Room 3
I have some terrible news. The witches turned me into a mouse! Being a mouse is no fun and I miss being a boy. George told me your class is very good at making marvelous medicines. I was hoping you could create a medicine that would turn me back into a boy.
 Please reply with the instructions so I can get my grandmother to make it. I need to know:
·    The ingredients.
·    Where I can find the ingredients.
·    How much of each ingredient.
.  How to make the medicine
 Kind Squeaks!
 Mouse Boy
We knew what we had to do! Room three had a rather large responsibility to fulfill. Individually we followed a flow chart to help us complete the task with maximized independence.
What we did:
  • Reread the chapter on the recipe for the Delayed Action Mouse Maker 86 inspire creativity.
  • A circle conversation on possible ingredients started us off formulating ideas.
  • Plans were constructed
  • Drafts included the ingredients, measurements and where to find such things.
  • Proof reading and editing
  • Bottle design
  • Name and label creation
  • Draw in ingredients into bottle
  • Publish work
The process has been exciting and engaging. The students’ creativity has shone through their creations to creative an array of very awesome and very effective potions! Good Luck Mouse Boy, we did our best 

Signing out Mrs Edwards and Miss Rawson 

Monday, 22 August 2016

Kia ora whanau

The 2016 Rio Olympics inspired an Olympic unit. Our room three focus over the last two weeks has been working collaboratively within our Olympic teams.

What does it mean to be in a team? A brainstorm showed the children already had a great understanding of what teamwork means to us.

Aurin - "When the whole team works together!"
Zera - "Lend a hand when they need help!"
Shaun- "Buddies that stick together no matter what!"
Mack - "People working together to achieve a goal!"
Jacob - "Help your people out!"

Working together in teams to:
Create a team flag using symbolism.

Wai- “The hearts are for love and kindness.”

Zera- “The red / pink / white are for kindness.”

Millie- “We chose the colours because they represent helpfulness.”

Shaun- “Love hearts and flowers represent when you help someone they know you want to get to know them.”

Riley- “The red represents love.”

Scott- “It's like the NZ flag because we are from NZ.”

 Mack- “The kia feathers are green because green means helpfulness.”

Alex- “The ferns represent NZ.”

Anish- “The koru man is for NZ.”
Hong-Ly- “The dragons were an awesome idea because everyone liked dragons.”

Zaidyn- “We needed to make it colourful so you could see it from far away.”
Aurin- ‘Love hearts and stars represent helping people because when you help people you feel like a star. Also we drew stars because when you have a good day you lie down and see stars.”

Aurora- “The microphone is for shouting it out."

Working together to complete a team relay race!

The teams cheered each other on! 

Ka Pai!

We have developed a great team spirit in room three!
Signing off- Miss Rawson 

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

What a great start to the term with a visit from Ronald McDonald to remind us about Road Safety. The children loved interacting with Ronald as he acted out all the things they need to do to be safe pedestrians and safe passengers.

 As a follow up the children were set a goal to write five interesting sentences about the Ronald McDonald visit. You will have read some of these in the newsletter and here are some more for you to enjoy:
Ronald McDonald has enormous red and yellow shoe laces. When I went to the student common room it was so deafening. Ronald McDonald said on the road  stop, look and listen otherwise you will get run over. When Ronald McDonald was teaching us about road safety he said to keep on the house side not the road side. When you are by a sneaky driveway you need to stop, look and listen.
By Ryley.

Ronald McDonald taught us about pedestrian crossings and we helped Ronald cross the street safely. Ronald wore big, stripy yellow and red top and socks. He was hilarious, everyone chuckled when he talked. Ronald told us to walk on the house side of the footpath because if we walk near the road we could fall onto the road.
By Zera.

For Math we have been busy learning about multiplication and division. We have been practicing our equal sharing and writing equations to show what we did. The children are being encouraged to practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help them with their problem solving.

We were very lucky to have a soccer session with Adam who has represented New Zealand at an Olympic level. The children really enjoyed the chance to learn and practice their soccer skills.

After our soccer session we all wrote a special type of poem called a cinquain, about our soccer experience. Come and read our great cinquains on the room 3 wall.

Friday, 22 July 2016

What a very busy end to term 2 it was.
The children really enjoyed the book week activities and writing about their favourite books. You will see their book covers and accompanying blurbs about their favourite book displayed in room 3. We were very priviledged to have some room 3 parents come and share stories from their countries with us during book week. These were greatly enjoyed by all.

What fun we all had dressing up as a book character to end a most enjoyable Book Week.

We had a return visit from Renee from Project Energise to reinforce previous work done with the children about healthy foods. The children loved playing the Healthy Foods Snakes and Ladders game and impressed us all with how much they remembered about the different food groups.

All the learners at Silverdale Normal School are very lucky to have the opportunity to learn Mandarin and the room 3 children love their Mandarin sessions.
For Mathematics we have been practicing our bonds to 10 and reading, making and writing multiplication equations.

We have been very priviledged to have two Masters of Education students, Whaea Jane and Miss Muller, working in room 3 during term one and two and sadly had to say farewell to them in week nine as they get ready to go to their next school. We would look to thank them for all their hard work, encouragement and support in room 3 during their time with us and wish them all the best for their continuing studies. They will be greatly missed by us all

 So, as you can see we have had a very busy, enjoyable term two. We look forward to returning to school recharged, ready for another full on term of learning and fun. Enjoy spending time with your lovely children during the holiday break.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

This week we have all been enjoying our book week activities. The children have been bringing along their favourite book and sharing it with the class.

we have been having fun designing a book cover and writing a blurb about our favourite story to go on the back . We look forward to sharing some of these with you on our next blog. We hope to see you at our book character assembly on Friday morning.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Welcome back everyone to another term and what a busy start to the term it has been.
This term we are focusing on the In Charge puzzle piece for the Silverdale Normal School Learner Dimensions. An important component of this is goal setting, so the children have been thinking about what a goal is and what personal goal they would like to set themselves for term two. Here a a few examples of their goals:

We have also been focusing on being Firewise and have been doing lots of oral language, writing and other activities to reinforce what has been learnt.
One of the activities was to design a poster that gave a message about one of the important things we have learnt. Below are some examples and we welcome all to come in to room three and see all of our great posters and writing about being Firewise.


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What an exciting and busy end to term one we all had.
As part of our Hauora/Wellbeing term focus the children made and ate healthy wraps:

It was a pleasure to introduce the first three lessons of Science – Health and Nutrition: Making Healthy Wraps; to tie in with the current term one theme: Hau Ora/Well-being.
Your children reflected on their previous knowledge delivered by Project Energize regarding; Go, Grow, Glow and Slow (food groups) and how the digestive system works. Collaboratively we worked well together to reciprocate the value of (Whananungatana – Connectedness); through building respectful relationships in exchange of knowledge, food and learning. 

Whaea Jane

We have been exploring dance during the last week of the term. Our focus was to explore different movements using our bodies and to react to contrasting music. We made lots of letter shapes with our bodies, acted out a sequence of action verbs and had lots of fun creeping around to Pink Panther.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

As part of our topic work in room three, we have been thinking and talking about 'what job we would like to do when we leave school'.
We thought about

  • What skills would we need?
  • Where would we learn these skills?
  • Why we want to do this job?
Some children came to school dressed in the clothes they thought they would wear if they did this job.

When I grow up I am going to learn to be a Ninja. I need to learn drop kicks and martial arts. I will learn it in China.
I want to be a Ninja because I want to use swords and katarnars and I get to learn to use bows and arrows.

By Alexander.

When I grow up I want to be a fashion designer.
The skills I need to know are what goes with what.  I feel overjoyed when I do this.  I will need to go to a boutique to learn this.  This will be adventurous.
By Zera

When I grow up I want to be a doctor, because they help people.  I need to be good at math and writing.
By Karalise

When I grow up I want to be a hairdresser because I think it might be fun.  I would get taught by my Aunty, because she is a hairdresser.  I will need to be taught how to do hair properly from my Aunty.
By Aurora

When I grow up I want to be a doctor.  The skills I need to learn are checking peoples eyes, ears and mouth.  I also need to check the persons tongue.  I want to be a doctor because I want to help sick people. I need to go to the hospital and medical school to learn how to be a doctor.  The things I need to be good at are; doing surgeries and doing a check up.  I like helping people that is why I want to be a doctor. 
By Adu

When I grow up I want to be a Zoo Keeper because I want to help people see animals.  I will feel quite scared because of the scary tiger.  I will learn it in a university.  I'll learn my skills there too. I will study too and learn how to keep safe.  I need to be able to feed animals and care for the animals health.
By Mack

When I grow up I want to be a Vet. My neighbour Karalise has a Tabby cat and it's name is Olof.  
Tabby cats are my favourite type of cats.  I need to knew how to sew because when the animals have a cut, I will need to sew the cut up.  I also need to like animals, which I really do love animals.  My mum said when I am a teenager, I can go to work at a nearby Vets. 
By Millie

When I grow up I want to be teacher because I can teach people and get money.  I will need to learn to have a kind 'inside' voice.  I have to go to university to learn, math, reading, writing and art.  I have to like kids and have neat writing and drawing.
By Wai